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Connecticut, Implement a Parent Bill of Rights for English Language Learners

SIGN PETITION: Connecticut, Implement a Parent Bill of Rights for English Language Learners

Target: CT General Assembly

In Connecticut, the rights of parents with English language learners are being violated. Parents are not receiving information in their native language, students are not being put into ELL programs with sufficient time, parents do not understand the progression of their child’s education, and ELL students do not have the same access to clubs, extracurricular activities, and core classes.


As of 2021, Connecticut schools are home to more than 45,000 ELL students. For English Language Learners, Connecticut does worse than the national average in all grades and subjects. But it doesn’t have to be this way! CT must pass legislation to implement a Parent Bill of Rights for Connecticut English Language Learners so that our children are receiving the highest quality of education and parents can have a voice in their children's education.


Community organizations including Make the Road Connecticut (MRCT), the Center for Children’s Advocacy (CCA), ConnCan, and United Parents and Students, are hoping to introduce the Parent's Bill of Rights for Connecticut English Language Learners. This Coalition called “ELL Students and Parents Success” addresses inequities in education for English language learners in Connecticut Public Schools, which demands Connecticut public schools provide quality interpretation services for ELL Parents & students as well as detailed information about the different topics related to education or bilingual education.  


This 2023 legislative session, we MUST show our legislators we support parents with English Language Learners and urge them to introduce legislation to create a parent bill of rights for Connecticut English Language Learners.


SIGN THIS PETITION in support of the CT General Assembly introducing a Parent Bill of Rights for Connecticut English Language Learners.


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To: CT General Assembly

From: [Your Name]


There are more than 45,000 English Language Learners in Connecticut, but ELL performance is significantly lower across the board. Due to the lack of qualified interpreters/interpretation resources, parents cannot be informed about their child's progress in school. ​


Access to quality education is a right all children should have regardless of the language they speak. Clear rights help our community know where they can turn for support and guidance. 


By guaranteeing parental rights in ELL students' education, children will improve in school; parents will be able to advocate for their child's needs and ensure they receive the best education.


The Coalition called “ELL Students and Parents Success” addresses inequities in education for English language learners in Connecticut Public Schools, which demands Connecticut public schools provide quality interpretation services for ELL Parents & students as well as detailed information about the different topics related to education or bilingual education. 
(Find the ELL Parent Bill of Rights list of demands here.)
If you agree, tell the Connecticut General Assembly to transform education for our most vulnerable and underserved community.
I urge you to support a Parent Bill of Rights for Connecticut English Language Learners. Sign Today!

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